A Message From Your President
Good afternoon!
I know there are many concerns surrounding upcoming meetings and COVID-19 and we completely understand your concern! With our upcoming April meetings still being four weeks away, there are no current plans to cancel either of the events.
The Board of Directors are monitoring the situation and will re-evaluate as we get closer to the scheduled events. Additionally, we have worked with The Grand Reserve to better understand the standards they have implemented to reduce the possibility of spreading the COVID-19 virus.
Specifically, The Grand Reserve has taken these extra measures to control the spread of any illness by doing the following:
Boxed lunches have been offered as an added measure of protection.
Following CDC recommendations by using bleach based cleaning products and providing anti-bacterial soaps in all restrooms.
Cleaning/sanitation efforts have doubled before and after each event (tables, hand railing, chairs, bathrooms, etc.)
Providing tables of 8 (not 10) and moving tables further apart in order to allow for more distance between attendees.
As members of our local communities, I highly encourage everyone to employ the precautions below into their daily activities:
Wash hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
Use hand sanitizer.
Use tissue to cover your mouth/nose if you sneeze or cough. Dispose of tissue and wash or sanitize your hands.
Encourage your employees to stay home if they are experiencing symptoms associated with the COVID-19 virus, regardless of how mild they may be.
Please do not attend meetings if you have cold/flu-like symptoms.
Do you best to limit/avoid contact with sick people. The CDC recommendations maintaining a distance of 6 ft between people.
We strongly encourage heeding all public health guidelines established by the experts at the national, state and local levels of government; understand and follow good-health practices; and factor information into your personal decision about attending community events and being cognizant of the population groups that are particularly vulnerable.
More recommendations for prevention:
kycovid19.ky.gov and cdc.gov/coronavirus for up-to-date information.
With recent developments and communications around “social distancing”, we hope the time between now and the scheduled events will have a significant impact on reducing the COVID-19 risk.
I will send additional communications to Chapter members as new developments arise. I hope this message provides some comfort around the actions BGSHRM is taking to ensure the safety and well-being of our membership.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Stay healthy!
Amanda Sutton
BGSHRM 2020 President